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Social Media ROI – conversation with Steven Groves and Guy R. Powell

February 27, 2010

A few weeks ago I participated in a phone conversation with two great thinkers in the area of Social Media measurement: Steven Groves (CEO of Social Marketing Conversations and contributor to and Guy R. Powell, founder of DemandROMI and author of “Return on Marketing Investment” & “Marketing Calculator: Measuring and managing return on marketing investmant.”  Both Guy and Steve are currently working on a new book tackling the topic of ROI of social media marketing. They have been talking with speakers of the upcoming Measure Up conference in Chicago to both bring awareness of this great event as well as have a chance to talk with Social Media practitioners of large brands about their successes and struggles in the area of social media measurements.

It was a very nice recognition of Pitney Bowes’ efforts in the area of Social Media and an awesome opportunity to share our social media journey with them.

The phone conversation was recorded and made into a three-episode podcast.

Podcast episode 1: Creating Sustainability & Providing Loose Governance Essential for Enterprise Social Media

During which I talked about

  • Pitney Bowes and its capabilities
  • My role as a social media strategist
  • Pitney Bowes Social Media roadmap

Steve’s blog entry with commentary

Podcast episode 2: A 3-Tiered Model for Measuring Social Media Success and How Social Media Saved Pitney Bowes $300K

During which I talked about

  • My 3-tier Social Media measuring philosophy
  • Pitney Bowes Social media activities and how they are measured
  • Pitney Bowes User Forum ROI case study

Steve’s blog entry with commentary

Podcast episode 3: Empowering a Team and Thinking Outside the Corporate Box = Success in Social Media

During which I talked about

  • Pitney Bowes hub and spoke Social Media governance model
  • Empowering employees to be active participants in Social Media on behalf of PB

Steve’s blog enty with commentary

There is also a full transcript of my interview (PDF).

I hope to see and shake Guy’s and Steve’s hand in Chicago in a couple of weeks when we share the stage talking about marketing measurements and social media ROI.

Other interviews with Social Media strategists speaking at the Measure Up Conference:

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